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  1. grant philpot
    May 29, 2016 @ 7:58 pm

    randy jackson of zebra and zebra rule


    • John Kneisel
      January 3, 2017 @ 2:22 pm

      Not sure what they ruled, but I enjoyed the 1st 3 albums. Everybody wants to compare these guys to Zeppelin, however I thought they were much closer to “Triumph”. As in the great Canadian prog-rock trio.


  2. j p minick
    April 11, 2017 @ 12:23 pm

    why can’t i find any tabs to there music. been lookin for a couple yrs…..


  3. Aaron Green
    September 22, 2017 @ 4:45 pm

    I don’t see the Zeppelin resemblance. I DO hear a resemblance in the high pitch voice of Randy Jackson to Barry Gibbs of the BeeGee’s. I like them to. The songs videos don’t do the music justice in my opinion. The music takes me much higher than a broken relationship. I am sad that the band didn’t get the recognition that they deserve. It is like what Paul McCartney said once that they were just in the right place at the right time. I think that is what didn’t happen for these guys in many ways. The talent is there but there just wasn’t the “magic” or luck that happens for other bands in being heard or known when things were going well. Although, having the fastest selling album in Atlantic Records history, has to say something about people liking what they heard.


  4. Keith holt
    February 1, 2018 @ 12:42 pm

    I am keith holt from wareelse but the big easy i might be biased but zebra is the best for new orleans


  5. Swingle
    February 10, 2019 @ 8:22 pm

    Zebra has the prog metal sound. it,s a little zep, triumph,and yes with a little dream theater sprinkled on. great music!!!!


  6. Tom Murray
    December 8, 2020 @ 7:34 am

    I grew up on Long Island – I am in my 50’s now – we saw Zebra live about half a dozen times, including at Hofstra University – great band – we were Zeppelin / Rush fans, I get the Triumph comparison


  7. Badlands Babe
    August 28, 2024 @ 2:42 am

    It’s 2024… I’m in my 50’s even know I feel like I’m in my 30’s I’m just here to say that Zebra was a very under rated band. They never got the true full recognition they deserved. They are a mixed sound & I can her the comparison to Triumph definitely. However old these songs are I will always be rocking to them. The crap they call music today isn’t even close. It’s like I always say … When I die please spread my ashes all over the 80’s I had some great times & got to see some great bands. The only regret I have is not being able to experience it all over again.


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