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  1. Top 9 Battle Themed Songs | River of Rock
    April 24, 2016 @ 7:10 pm

    […] Album review of Selling England by the Pound by Genesis […]


  2. Top 9 Great Rock Songs with Terrible Titles | River of Rock
    August 22, 2017 @ 5:26 pm

    […] Review of Selling England by the Pound by Genesis […]


  3. "Firth of Fifth" by Genesis | River of Rock
    August 26, 2017 @ 6:51 pm

    […] by John Burns & Genesis Recorded at Island Studios, London, August 1973 Released on the LP Selling England By the Pound in October […]


  4. Mark Darnell Marquez
    November 14, 2017 @ 6:26 pm

    This was a ‘passable’ review, with some factual errors: “More Fool Me”, is actually Phil Collin’s 2nd turn as lead vocalist…his premiere being “For Absent Friends” on 1971’s “Nursery Cryme”. There is no Hackett guitar solo on “Cinema Show”- although he does play some lovely, and sinewy phrases in the first part of the song leading into the ‘Father Tireseus’ section. I would have highlighted some of the ‘Fushion-esque” playing in “Battle of Epping Forest”- where minor modes, and asymmetrical rhythms suggest that Collins, and Hackett had OD’d on Mahvishnu Orchestra’s “Birds of Fire”! -and NO mention of Collin’s elongated, behind the beat ‘African’ drumming at the end of “I know What I Like”, and also the ‘Dub’ beats at the end of “Isle of Plenty”. Although I agree with his assessment that this was Steve Hackett’s moment of Glory…Phil Collins was an absolute Mother-Fucker on this record! I would also have to take issue with the comment that this aged better than the previous records. For my ear – “Nursery Cryme” still sounds like a dark storm, full of Edwardian eerie-ness, and sinister resonance. THAT record is actually disturbing, and in a way – timeless.


    • Alpha Dog
      November 16, 2017 @ 8:25 am

      Thanks for your deep insight. We’d love to have you contribute to our sites in the future.


    • Dan Sapen
      July 26, 2019 @ 7:39 pm

      Nice comments. For what its worth, Neil Peart has called the album “An enduring masterpiece of drumming”, referred to this album especially and some of the concerts he heard during this tour as a cattle prod for him to up his game so that he could be a premier progressive drummer; praises Collins “refined technique”, lyrical playing seamlessly integrated into the songs, fills alive with creativity and excitement, and elsewhere has glowingly praised Phil’s groove and “feel”, envying Phil’s ability to play so fluently in a wide dynamic range while Peart admits to admiring Phil’s touch and sound in a wider dynamic range than his own playing – something Neil has studied for years, and modestly says he thinks will never be his strength. He’s retired now, yes? As is Bruford? And Collins can’t hold sticks or control his left foot very well? Time ain’t kind.


  5. Genesis - Selling England By The Pound (1973)
    March 22, 2021 @ 4:22 pm

    […] Selling England by the Pound by Genesis […]


  6. Claude-a-saurus Wrecks “Movie Theater Help”
    February 6, 2023 @ 12:07 am

    […] Read a review of “Selling England by the Pound” by Genesis here. […]


  7. Simon Haddock
    March 7, 2024 @ 7:09 pm

    S.E.B.T.P was a pivotal moment for the band , locked into the whole prog rock scene, this was something different .
    Dare I say that it could be the best album they made with this line up ?..Who knows ! but something was changing and it showed.
    I was 20 years old when this seminal album was released and listening to everything that seemed worthy at the time .
    We were an eclectic bunch and everything was fair game from folk to blues ,rock, jazz rock , country rock and a whole lot more .

    I loved everything because much of this incredible music was being recorded for the first time , these guys were pioneers in their field , with Crimson , Yes , Caravan , Van Der Graff , the whole scene was vibrant and so very exciting …So many bands , so much new music it was quite an amazing time to be alive. …

    For me this period in the 70’s was true progress , some type of halcyon time for all these bands to excel.

    Next came ‘ The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway and Gabriel’s departure ‘ …Never bettered . You can hear echoes of some of this work still in Peter Gabriel’s recent work –
    Intelligent , interesting band they were – UK treasures to be sure .


  8. Herding Lemurs
    May 9, 2024 @ 11:33 pm

    My favorite prog rock album, and to me the perfect capstone to the British invasion. It was time for something more profound and thoughtful lyrically, and more complex and virtuosic musically, and this album excelled at providing both. The British invasion had provided excitement and sexual energy, but really had been all about money and a particular brand of Englishness. Selling England by the Pound provided a thoughtful and beautiful examination of both. I love in particular how lovely and sweet the dominant tone is. Gorgeous melodies that are beautifully embellished, with just the right amount of harshness and difficulty to make it shine brighter. A real masterpiece.


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