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  1. Chris
    June 20, 2019 @ 11:17 am

    My favorite album of Ozzy’s and definitely one of my all time “Top 10” favorites. Randy Rhoads guitar solo on the opening track “Over The Mountain” is his best solo ever recorded and definitely one of the greatest solos in history. All of the songs on this album are great, there are no throw-away tracks…. it is ‘all killer, no filler” from the second the needle drops and Lee Kerslake’s drum intro to Over The Mountain to the eerie and chaotic ending of the title track that closes the record! One of the few albums ever released that deserves being labeled a “masterpiece”!


    • Mike
      September 20, 2019 @ 12:25 pm

      Diary of a Madman is a Masterpiece !!! Ozzy and more so Randy Rhoads wrote the blueprint for the Metal sound of the future and nothing subsequent compares. I love the interludes full of lost souls, synths and classical add ins, choirs and in particular on the title track. Its a formula Ozzy kept even after Randy’s death. Its one of my…if stuck on a deserted island albums…for sure. Lyrically it is Awesome ie: needles prick the skin of little dolls…chasing rainbows etc etc. Just a chart topping fucking Masterpiece !!!!


  2. Ozzy Osbourne: Diary Of A Madman album review - Bingxo
    December 6, 2021 @ 8:13 pm

    […] “This album is undoubtedly Rhoads’ from start to finish. And what an eerie finish indeed, with the haunting title song. That traverses through a few haunting verses and a very haunting mid section. Then the outtro – when Rhoads’ furious riff is accompanied by a chorus of spiritual voices that escort his very last performance on record to a bone-chilling end.” (Classic Rock Review) […]


  3. Shad
    May 12, 2024 @ 11:47 pm

    I would say Ozzy’s best ever, but I will disagree that it was all Randy Rhoads. I firmly believe what makes this album so special is that everyone pulled their weight, and everyone played perfectly off each other. That rhythm section is my favorite ever then maybe Sarzo and Aldridge. and I may be mistaken but I don’t think it was Sarzo and Aldridge who did the rerecord I think that came later after they moved on. Anyways what a fun album for the bass It is so solid, loose, and free listen to S.A.T.O.’s bassline the whole album is totally great. It somehow made songs that should be very commercial not sound like it, Can’t kill Rock and Roll and Tonight are beautiful songs everyone should love but they still have the dark edge to them.


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